Fun Ways You and Your Dog Can Have a Blast Together and Express Your Individuality
Enjoying fun activities with your dog not only strengthens your bond of togetherness but also is a great way to add physical and mental stimulation to your pup’s life, which promotes overall good health, of course. [ADD A SENTENCE ABOUT AN ACTIVITY YOU AND YOUR DOG SHARE REGULARLY. MENTION YOUR DOG BY NAME]. Whether you have a new puppy or old faithful by your side there are plenty of ways to express yourself and have FUN with your dog!
Create a social media fan page. Are you and your pup ready to be internet sensations? Creating a TikTok or Instagram page with your dog is one of the most enjoyable ways to show off just how incredible your bond is. [IF YOUR DOG ALREADY HAS A PAGE OF THEIR OWN, SHARE A SENTENCE ABOUT WHY/WHEN YOU STARTED IT & INCLUDE THE LINK]. Not into managing a budding social media star? Share a photo of your dog every week on your own social media profile. [INSERT A SHORT SENTENCE ON HOW OFTEN YOU SHARE PICS OF YOUR DOG ON SOCIAL MEDIA. IF IT’S YOUR BUSINESS PAGE, LINK TO A POST]
Wear matching outfits. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and fashion is the ultimate way to express your individuality. [DO YOU HAVE ANY MATCHY-MATCH CLOTHING? IF YES, CALL IT OUT HERE. IF NOT, ADD A SENTENCE ABOUT WHAT YOU WOULD THINK WOULD BE CUTE TO BUY. SHARE A LINK]. Snag matching gear for yourself and your dog that shows off your purest personalities!
Have an Instagram-worthy photoshoot. [ADD A FEW SENTENCES ABOUT BEAUTIFUL OR HISTORICAL PLACES IN YOUR REGION THAT WOULD BE A GREAT BACKDROP TO PHOTOGRAPH DOGS – OR WHERE YOU HAVE ALREADY] Pose your pooch at the local spot in your town with a little character, and you’re bound to get all the Instagram likes.
Go on a walking tour of your city. Play tourist in your own town! [INCLUDE A FEW SENTENCES ABOUT A PLACE YOU RECENTLY DISCOVERED IN YOUR OWN TOWN, OR A LOCATION YOU PLAN TO EXPLORE SOON]. Grab your matching gear and plan your route around your city’s most pet-friendly spots for treats and attention.
Enjoy a stay at a pet-friendly bed and breakfast. Dogs are welcomed guests at some of the most exciting places across the world. [SHARE A VACATION DESTINATION YOU HAVE ENJOYED WITH YOUR DOG OR A VACATION YOU PLAN TO TAKE THIS SUMMER. IF YOUR DOG DOESN’T TRAVEL WELL, YOU CAN MENTION THIS AND CALL OUT A PLACE YOU WISH YOU COULD VISIT TOGETHER, OR WHERE YOU HAVE SEEN OTHERS VISIT WITH THEIR DOGS]. So if your pup travels well, plan a mini vacay for the two of you. Splurge on luxury amenities like pet-pampering packages for the ultimate FUN!
Netflix and nap. Rainy days don’t mean you can’t have fun with your dog! [SWAP IN YOUR STREAMING/TV SUBSCRIPTION OF CHOICE OR CHANGE THIS TO ‘A GOOD BOOK AND A NAP’ IF YOU PREFER]. All you need is the comfiest spot on the couch, a canine-friendly flick and a few hours to nap the afternoon away.
Grab a puppuccino. This off-the-menu item is a bit cheesy, but chances are your dog will love it. [HAVE YOU GOTTEN A PUP CUP WITH YOUR DOG? SHARE WHERE YOU WENT, IF YOUR DOG LOVED OR SPURNED IT, OR IF YOU PLAN TO GIVE IT A TRY SOON] As long as your dog is dairy-tolerant, you’ll have a coffee companion for life.
Plan a pet party. How long has it been since you’ve been together with all of your dog-loving friends? Plan a party for both people and pooches. [INCLUDE A SENTENCE ABOUT A PAST PARTY YOU’VE HELD FOR YOUR DOG OR DOG-FRIENDS OR ABOUT PLANS YOU HAVE TO GET TOGETHER WITH THEM THIS YEAR]. Have everyone bring a present and swap so each pup gets something new to play with. Home-baked treats are an easy extra-special touch and can be whipped up in less than an hour. [INCLUDE A LINK TO YOUR FAVORITE DOG COOKIE RECIPE OR PET-PARTY WEBPAGE].
Learn a fun new sport or mini-sport. Maybe learning an entire agility course isn’t on your list of goals, but how about introducing your dog to a single tunnel or a few simple jumps? How about a flirt pole (a dog-version of a cat’s toy-on-a-stick)? [IF YOU AND YOUR DOG LOVE A CANINE SPORT OR ARE CONSIDERING TRYING ONE, ADD TWO SENTENCES HERE]
Cook a dinner for two…or three, four or more if you have a whole pack of pooches. [SHARE A TREAT OR MEAL YOU AND YOUR DOG HAVE SHARED TOGETHER IN A SENTENCE]. You can find treats online (frozen yogurt dipped strawberries – yum!) [SHARE THIS ARTICLE OR ANOTHER YOU LIKE BETTER] Frozen yogurt dipped strawberries – yum! Or you can even buy a recipe book [HERE’S AN EXAMPLE].